Nail Health Hacks: Covering Damage, Fungus, and Hematomas

by Amelia
cover up nail

Mixture of practical techniques and specialized products are needed while dealing with human nail-related issues. By understanding the main issue and using right methodology we can effectively counter cosmetic concerns and can ensure healthy nails with maintained appearance.Nail cover-up techniques and products are essential for addressing various nail-related issues, from damage and discoloration to infections and hematomas

Both for medical and aesthetic reasons, the guidance and solutions mentioned here are proved practically with desired results. Nail health should always be first priority then go to professionals for advice when is essential to ensure proper treatment and care.

Covering Up Nail Damage and Cosmetic Issues:


To deal with the nail damage and cosmetic issues “acrylic nails, gel nails and cosmetic concealers” can be used.

  • nail cover upAcrylic Nails: you should visit a salon for the application of acrylic nails and to repair the damaged acrylic nails so you can cover up the damaged natural nails.
  • Gel Nails: Jut like the acrylic nails gel nails are durable and aesthetic solution for you to cover up the damaged nails.
  • Cosmetic Concealers: Nails polishes and powders are designed to cover discoloration and unevenness. These nail polishes and powders can provide temporary relief from the damaged looking nails.

Covering Up Nail Fungus:

Nail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is a common condition that can affect both fingernails and toenails. Following are the reasons and symptoms of nail fungus:


  1. Fungal Infections: The primary cause is fungi called dermatophytes, but yeasts and molds can also cause infections.
  2. Environmental Factors: Warm, moist environments, such as public swimming pools, showers, and gyms, can promote fungal growth.
  3. Injury or Trauma: Damage to the nail or the skin around the nail can provide an entry point for fungi.
  4. Poor Foot Hygiene: Not keeping feet clean and dry can increase the risk of infection.
  5. Reduced Blood Circulation: Conditions that reduce blood circulation to the extremities, like diabetes or peripheral artery disease, can increase the risk.
  6. Weakened Immune System: A weakened immune system due to illness or medications can make it harder to fight off infections.
  7. Nail Conditions: Existing nail conditions like psoriasis or other nail deformities can increase susceptibility.
  8. Age: Older adults are more likely to develop nail fungus due to reduced blood flow and slower nail growth.


  1. Discoloration: Nails may turn white, yellow, brown, or black.
  2. Thickening: Affected nails may become thicker than usual.
  3. Brittleness: Nails may become brittle, crumbly, or ragged.
  4. Shape Changes: The shape of the nail may become distorted.
  5. Separation: The nail may lift away from the nail bed (onycholysis).
  6. Odor: A foul smell may emanate from the infected nail.
  7. Pain: In some cases, the infection can cause pain or discomfort, especially when pressure is applied to the affected nail.
  8. Debris: There may be debris or buildup under the nail.

nail cover upIf you suspect you have nail fungus, it’s advisable to seek medical treatment, as the infection can persist and worsen over time. However I have Also given some solutions to heal fungal nails on the basis of my experience.


  • Antifungal Nail Polish: Nail polishes formulated with specialized antifungal properties can help to treat the nail fungus and cover the damages caused by nail fung
  • us.
  • Medical Treatment: For a medical treatment we should consult a healthcare professional to get prescription for the antifungal treatments and medications according to the nail condition.

Tips for Covering Up Toenail Fungus

  • Clean and Dry Nails: Before applying any cosmectic it is important to clean the nails thoroughly. It will prevent further growth of fungus and ensures the proper application of cosmetic product.
  • Regular Maintenance: To regularly maintain the nails it is important to trim and file your nails properly. it improves the bioavailability of the applied product and reduce the infected nail thickness. By taking care of nails propely and cleaning them regulary can maintain the nail health.
  • Manage Moisture: Fungus in toenail grows in warm and moist environment. Therefore, we should try to keep our feet clean and dry as possible. Wearing tight, non-breathable footwear can trap moisture and Toenail fungus thrives in warm, moist environments. Therefore, it’s important to keep your feet as dry as possible.

Covering up a hematoma with nail polish

nail cover upA hematoma is collection of blood under the fingernail or toenail. It is also called “subungual hematoma”. It may be the result of an injury or some infection. It happens when the blood vessels rupture and blood adhere there as hematoma. Hematoma may make the nails look ugly.

Here’s an overview of its causes and symptoms:


  1. Injury or Trauma: Common causes include dropping a heavy object on the finger or toe, smashing the nail, or stubbing your toe.
  2. Repetitive Stress: Activities or sports that put repeated stress on the nails, such as running or climbing, can cause subungual hematomas.
  3. Nailbed Fractures: Fractures or breaks in the underlying bone can also lead to hematomas under the nail.
  4. Surgical Procedures: Nailbed surgeries or procedures can result in hematoma formation.


  1. Discoloration: The area under the nail turns dark red, purple, or black due to trapped blood.
  2. Pain: Pain or throbbing can occur, often due to the increased pressure from the accumulated blood.
  3. Swelling: Swelling around the nail may be noticeable.
  4. Tenderness: The affected nail and surrounding area are typically tender to the touch.
  5. Nail Deformation: In severe cases, the nail may become deformed or lifted if the hematoma causes significant pressure or damage to the nail bed.

Treatment of hematomaTop of Form

If we develop the hematoma it can be treated by nail trephination”  in which the health care professionals remove the blood underneath our nails, as when i got nail hematoma the health care professional treated it by draining the underneath blood in my nail. My provider gave me a digit block a local anesthetic, so i didn’t feel pain during the drainage.

nail cover upBut i couldn’t get completely treated hematoma as visited the doctor after several hours later the injury. Therefore, if you want to get completely treated hematoma you should visit the doctor before the blood starts to clot.

However you dont get your hematoma treated by a doctor it will heal over time, but it can take several weeks to several months to heal depending on your nail growth. Nails can get completely ride of nail hematoma as nail grows and the bruise will get removed from your nails.

How to take care of your nails during hematoma

We should take care of our nails properly by cleaning them regularly, especially when we et some infection, bruise, nail fungus or hematoma. Following steps should be followed during hematoma;

  • Try to keep the nail surface area as clean as possible.
  • Try to avoid soaking as it can lead to a infection which can make the hematoma worse to be treated.
  • Look for any signs of swelling, redness and infection.
  • If you fee you are getting some infection, you should visit your health care provider immediately to avoid further complications.

Major Problems If Not Care properly

If these are not followed strictly dring a hematoma complications may happen leading to over nail damages. Following complications mau happen if we dont take care properly’

  • Nail loss: In the hematoma the nail underneath blood vessels are broken , if we get some infection during this condition it may worsen our hematoma leading to our nail loss. Because our nails cant grow if dont get the proper blood supply.
  • Nail discoloration: Nails color get changed during hematoma, but we can notice further color changes during the hematoma healing processes as nail grows.

nail cover upNail polish to cover up nail hematoma

Nail polish can be used temporarily to hide the nail hematoma, as it can cover our nail surface. Before applying the nail polish to the nail following steps shpuld be followed;

  • First of all we should make the nail surface clean by using some cleaner or antiseptic, to avoid any complication caused by the nail polish.
  • We should use organic products during the nail infections, and avoid chemically produced products.
  • After cleaning the nails properly nail polish is applied gently to cover up the nail bruise/hematoma.
  • First of all a spot is dropped on the bruised area then the nail polish is applied evenly over the entire nail surface to get even nail surface.
  • After applying the nail polish you may apply a nail shiner if you want to look your nails pretty more .


However, by understanding the main issue and properly taking care of your health and  nails we can avoid the health and nail issues. But still if we get the nail issues we can get it treated by the health provider and following the tips to heal the nails. The guidance and solutions provided here may help you get ride of these issues.

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